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Just a quick update on the MiFi as described in the earlier post, now that I'm in the USA.

The Virgin Mobile plan I'm on in the UK, does include provision for Data services abroad, the only issue is that it's £5 per MB or something like that.

The 02 data plan for my iPhone is £6 per MB (although you can buy a 1 month 50MB bolt on package for £50) besides which, the iPhone SIM would not work in my MiFi.

So the master plan was to arrive in the US and visit a local AT&T store (along with @patmahon who is in the same situation) and see if we could buy a Pay as You Go SIM with data to pop into the MiFi.

To cut a long story short, we were successful!

We were able to buy a "Pay As You Go Simple Rate" plan which was SIM only. It cost $25 for Voice and $19.99 for 100MB data. That's $44.99 or £28 in real money! The great thing is that if we use up the 100MB of data, the $25 set aside for voice calls (which we'll never se) goes towards the data plan so we get an additional 50MB or so data.

As far as installation was concerned, I just popped out the Virgin Mobile SIM and popped in the activated AT&T SIM and boom - it just worked! No configuration required.

So now, my laptop and my iPhone have WiFi connectivity wherever I go, provided I remember to take the MiFi with me (and a spare charged battery!)



Reader Comments (16)

Not bad, I think the data roaming costs from UK providers are ridiculous anyway, you have data roaming off on the iPhone else it will still use Cellular data as well?

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeigh Donnelly

Brilliant .. thank-you for the blog entry Don. I am heading for New York and then a pilgrimage to Cupertino later this month and was wondering how i was going to stay connected. MiFi is a brilliant solution, i have been using the '3' mobile MiFi for awhile, but was not sure what i was going to do when i was traveling, you have provided me with the perfect solution! Thank-you.

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSimon Butler

Simon, Not sure it would work on the '3' mobile MiFi. The Novatel MiFi I have is an "unlocked" MiFi. You may need to do me research to see if the same situation applies.

February 10, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

I've just blogged about the Novatel MiFi myself today which I plan to use later this year when I go over to the Isle of Man. Last time I was there I used just over 500mb tethering my iPhone, which roaming on o2 would have cost more than £1500, but with a local sim it only cosy £5. An unlocked MiFi can be a huge cost saver as you've already discovered. Enjoy MacWorld.

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersteves71

Good luck to you on this one.
When I asked about a similar setup at my local (upstate NY) ATT store they told me that I would have to pay extra for tethering. I did not have a MiFi type thing in mind, just a regular unlocked N97. Apparently, the tower would see that volume of data throughput and say "bugger off". They also did not even mention the possibility of a pay as you go version.
Maybe I should print out your post and go back...

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Zip

The 3 MiFi (Actually a Huawei E5830) is locked to 3's network. But it can be unlocked apparently - some say 3 will help you for £15. I'll find out soon enough because I got one this week. Could have bought the same Huawei unlocked but it is about £180! A 3 version with 3Gb data on pay and go is £69. I just need to unlock it when I use all the 3Gb allowance.

Vodafone's PAYG data plans are better because unused time does not expire after 30 days like it does on 3. The 3Gb it comes with last for 90 days though.

I am impressed so far.

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Good job Don! Looking forward to more from you about Macworld and how the whole expo is going this year? And remember, take your eggs over easy or sunnyside up for breakfast!

February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

Hi Don,
This all sounds very interesting. Any chance / thoughts about including this set-up, what one needs etc. for a SCO show? When I go to the US I end up putting my iPhone on Airplane mode most of the time, so I know I am avoiding accidentally racking up a huge bill, but your set up sounds great, and I think further details would be very useful for many?!


February 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIan

Does the Novatel 2352 work as well in the US as in the UK? Any idea of the difference between
the 2352 and 2353 or 2372 (sold in US)

April 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRalph of Cambridge

2352 Seems to work just fine on both sides of the pond!

Sorry but you'll have to google for the differences.

April 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Hi, I know this blog has being here for a while, but I've being looking into this for the last week not getting anywhere off to the states & want to use my iphone 4 but refuse to pay o2 stupid amounts of money wifi is fine if you can find the free ones, thanks for the info I will buy a At&t sim when I get there as for the mifi router if I buy a 3 one & get it unlocked will it work? They are selling the Huawei E585 at the mo.
there are loads of US ones on ebay Novatel Mifi 2200 Mobile Hotspot, but I don't think they have a sim card slot they just activate through the software where I suppose you'd have to have a US address & bank account.

Any other Mifi routers that will work?


July 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

If the MiFi is unlocked and it's suitable for international use, it should work!

July 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Hi Don

I purchased a Novatel MiFi 2352 from in the UK and have been using it successfully with my 3 Mobile broadband account.

I think it's a fantastic product.

I'm currently visiting the USA on holiday and I purchased a AT&T GoPhone Sim card with PrePaid Data Plan.

When I put the Sim card into the Novatel MiFi 2352, I am unable to connect to the internet. From the router homepage, I can see the device continuously disconnecting. I have an iPhone 4 so I'm unable to put the SIM card in my phone to 'activate' it (or download carrier settings) - if that's necessary.

Can you advise me on what I am doing wrong and offer any help.

Many many thanks.

August 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDáithí Murray

When I used this configuration in the US there was nothing to do, it just worked as soon as I put the SIM in the MifI.

HAve you checked with the store to make sure that the account connected with the SIM has been activated and there is a data component to the plan. They can do that from the shop via the terminals so no need to put the SIM into a phone.

August 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

The great thing is that if we use up the 100MB of data, the $25 set aside for voice calls (which we'll never se) goes towards the data plan so we get an additional 50MB or so data.

This is incorrect. You can use $20 of the $25 to buy another 100mb bundle.
Alps, people can save loads, by buying these sims off eBay and don't get clobbered by the stupid $25 top up that AT&T stores seem to impose on buoying a sim only.

August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterM4RKM

Well, it didn't work for me.
I got the exact same SIM card from AT&T with the same plan ($20 for 100mb, but no voice plan) and stuck it in my unlocked 3 Mobile MiFi.
All I get is a "No network"...


April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWabiloo

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