Drobo & Macworld 2010

Just two more days before setting off to Macworld.
Had an interesting conversation a week or two ago with Mark Fuccio of Data Robotics. Mark had seen the members only show about Drobo & DroboPro - SCO233. I'm pleased to report he was impressed. That show (along with most shows) was done completely independently from the vendor, they didn't even know it existed, but as usual, I always send the vendor a completed copy of the show out of courtesy.
So it was extremely gratifying for Mark to reach out to offer his compliments on the coverage of the show, and to comment on how accurate it was.
The output of the conversation was two fold:
Drobo Video Contest: Drobo have invited me to sit on an esteemed panel of judges to judge their "Spirit of Macworld 2010" video contest. Just create a short 60 second video encapsulating the spirit of Macworld and the winner gets a Drobo S. Full details of the contest can be found here.
Macworld 2010 Booth Video: Mark requested that Data Robotics be granted permission to show the full ScreenCastsOnline video at the Data Robotics booth during Macworld. The show is a members show but I've created a special version of the show with some additional ScreenCastsOnline branding, especially for the Data Robotics booth at Macworld with my blessing. It's 30 minutes long so I don't suppose anyone will have the time to see it right the way through, but if you're passing the booth, be sure to drop by.
I'll try and post another blog entry tomorrow with my schedule for Macworld 2010 - if I ever get all these preparations out of the way!
Reader Comments (3)
That is great to hear Don! :) Nice to see more vendors digging the show. It is pure quality.
I will try and call by the booth and make a supportive comment
Congrats Don that is great news! Keep up the good work!