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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Interview with Tim Bourquin

Probably not of note unless you're interested in the business side of Podcasting, or want to know more about how ScreenCastsOnline came into being, but Tim Bourquin (one of the "Podcast Brothers") has just published an interview we did during last week.

Tim has started up a new website for those interested in creating and developing membership websites or podcasts and asked me to participate based on my experience with ScreenCastsOnline.

What's interesting is that there's also a transcription of the interview as well as the audio and a slide set. It's really strange seeing the (in some places inaccurate) transcript of my spoken words, although it sounds OK when you listen to it!

I don't think I said anything too controversial, so please go ahead and check it out if you'd like.

Interview with Tim Bourquin

Reader Comments (1)

It was nice to hear your story.
I have been a member for years now and I can really recommend SCO to any Mac user or Windows user who is thinking of switching.
Not only can one learn from the show or get to know new software, your shows are so well made that they are a moment of entertainment for me each Friday night.
Keep up the nice work Don!

February 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlunayconsuela

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