So many info sources to update...

The blog a day challenge seems to be working out OK although, I just need to be careful I don't spend too much time on creating massive posts. I really need to extend it now from just creating a carefully considered paragraph (or two, or three, or four...) to also including interesting stuff I pick up on during my browsing during the day.
Or do I?
What is proving to be a bit of a consideration is exactly where do I post stuff.
Of course, there is twitter for my "micro blogging" activities - great or the occasional idea or throw away comment.
Then there's my blog for more considered prose, quite nicely serviced by the Wordpress RSS feed if you want to subscribe using an RSS reader.
But then, I also run the ScreenCastsOnline forum. This is a fantastic resource for mainly tech information about the Mac, but also a place for ScreenCastsOnline viewers to hang out and discuss the show as well as making suggestions for further subjects. What is really useful is that for each show, I post a separate thread, and that can be used to leave comments and corrections (hopefully not too many corrections!). I should really correct myself, in that I actually don't really "run" the forum. I started it, but these days it pretty much is run by an elite band of moderators who are so generous with their time and incredibly helpful for anyone with a Mac related question. It really is a "top" resource and I should really spend more time on there.
Then there's FriendFeed - OK - I don't get FriendFeed at all.
FaceBook - Yes I have an account but I have to admit, FaceBook is dead to me!
And finally, Google Reader. Yes, I can share interesting posts via Google Reader with anyone who wishes to follow my shared items in my Gmail account I think this could be useful but I keep forgetting to use it!
I'm sure there is many other ways I can share interesting information but I feel some consolidation is required. In the long run, I think Twitter, My Blog and My Forum are the only services I'm likely to invest any of my time.

Reader Comments (1)
An interesting problem and one I have considered myself. I would say Twitter for everything you come across as it's real time and allows you to put out what is really going on in your own mind.
I would then say your blog, maybe for your pick of the day type of thing, or maybe your pick of the week. Maybe this is something that you Tweeted about but got so into that it's worth a more in depth look.
As for SCO and the forums I would very much leave that to cover the ScreenCasts themselves and the topics arising from them.
Just my thoughts however. Take care!