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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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YTC007 - Monday Update

Oh dear, did I really not do a normal blog post since the last video comment?

Ah well, back to normal this week!

Reader Comments (3)

Hope the new panels arrive soon and once installed, you will be tempted to run a live streaming show just like Leo on the west coast..! Enjoy your day off on Friday!

December 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hearn

Don't know about a live streaming show like Leo but it opens all sorts of possibilities/opportunities!

December 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

Totally agree with you about Tweetie on the Mac. Not having the lists and the new retweet is starting to become a real problem. I may have to stop using it.

December 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Shadwell

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