Now I Can't Guarantee This For Everyone...

OK, so this is a cop out for my daily blog post but I thought it was note worthy.
I'm not ashamed to say I get a fair number of thank you emails and great feedback for ScreenCastsOnline, but this one gave me a rosy glow and I thought I'd share it with you!
Greetings Don,
I just wanted to say a few things about the show before I give you a show suggestion. I have been following the show for some time now and because of the wonderful lessons you have put together, I was able to apply and hired at my the Apple store as a product specialist. Thank you so much for putting together such amazing and professional content every week. It has made all the difference in my life as a novice mac user to a product specialist now training for creative genius.
The author is a regular viewer who I've exchanged emails with a couple of times and I cleared it with him before publishing.
As I say, I can't guarantee to get everyone a job in the Apple store and I'm sure the ScreenCastsOnline contribution was only part of the whole equation, but it's nice to know that the show can make a real difference!

Reader Comments (4)
I'm sure it makes you very proud Don. Very well done Sir.
Now about that Apple CEO job you promised me...... ;-)
Well I'm glad to see this since I've been applying to the Apple Store for the past couple of weeks.
If the author of the email could contact me to exchange some experiences I would welcome it.
Thanks for everything Don and keep up the good work.
Hi Don
Wish I had asked my son to watch some of your screencasts. He had an interview a couple of weeks ago for a Genius position but was not shortlisted for interview. It may have had something to do with him still being at school during the training period but as usual Apple will not give anything away.
Doesn't surprise me Don.. keep up the fantastic work mate! Loved the Launch bar series.. just made the switch from Butler and am really enjoying my new 'toy' (especially Instant Send). Don't own a laptop but liked how you switched things up a little with a hardware tutorial. Also, wouldn't be to worried about those Twitter haters.. screencasts is very much who you are.. it's like Coldplay tweeting 'Just released our new album, hope you guys love it' and their 'fans' getting into a huff about no ad tag.. it's just ridiculous. And remember, just how Coldplay have fans that choose to follow them, no-one is forcing anyone to follow you - just concentrate on your tribe and don't try to please the masses - I'm a member of screencasts because I love what you do and believe in it - have no problem with you getting the word out as much as you possibly can because you offer such a great service (and price). Now if you start advertising for teeth whitening or losing 10 kilos overnight - that's a little different. Just keep doing what you do mate!