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YTC003 - Apple Remote & Pixelmator Playlist

A quick review of the new Apple Remote and some news about the new Pixelmator playlist on the ScreenCastsOnline YouTube channel.

Excuse the freeze frame! YouTube only allows you to select one of three frames as a thumbnail, and if the default is no good (as in this case!) it takes several hours for it to be replaced.

Time to apply for partner status to get over this problem :-)

Please feel free to watch the video on the blog, but if you click through to YouTube (just click on the YouTube symbol in the corner of the embedded video) , you can see the HD version plus all the other videos on the ScreenCastsOnline channel.

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    Response: Healthy Recipe

Reader Comments (4)

No offence but I don't care if it's done in one take or eleven. Why bother mentioning that? Showing off? :)

November 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterandygrunt

Noted! Just a follow through on a previous comment I'd made but I see your point.

Thanks for the feedback :-)

November 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

See what you mean by the frame being 'no good'. I have to ask, how many drinks had you had when you shot that video?

Seriously: I have pointed a few people at your youtube and facebook pages... keep up the good work as usual.


November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Sammons

Those mini Pixelmator screencasts are fantastic. I often refer to an older Pixelmator screencast so will find these very useful. My only wish is that these videos are downloadable. I can download from YouTube easy enough, but why not just provide a download link? Is there one on somewhere? I didn't see the videos on their website just now.

November 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIan Mayman

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