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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Increased Pricing for New Members - Renewals Stay the Same!

Join_Blue_57.pngI've been contemplating a price hike in the cost of joining ScreenCastsOnline as a new member.

The back catalogue keeps growing and I firmly believe that the current deal of a full six months membership (26 brand new shows) and access to the library of over 170+ High Definition screencasts for $49 is an absolute steal!

So seeing as it's the first of the month tomorrow, I'm putting the price for new members joining up to $57 USD. Existing members and the existing renewal costs remain unaffected.

Even at $57 USD or £31.94 (plus VAT for UK residents), this equates to only 29 US cents or 16 UK pence per episode. I don't think you can find anywhere else on the planet where you can get high quality mac video training for such good value.

However, if you're an existing viewer of the free version and have been meaning to join real soon but are now kicking yourself, I'd like to throw you a lifeline and offer a special discount code that will allow you to sign up for the original $49 just for the month of October.

Just use the coupon code:


before the end of October and you'll still get a new ScreenCastsOnline membership for $49. This special offer will not be repeated!

You can sign up for a ScreenCastsOnline Extra! membership using either PayPal or eSellerate.

Just to confirm, if you're an existing member, there is no change. The renewals remain at a ridiculously low price of:

$25 for six months
$45 for twelve months and
$199 for Charter Membership (5 years membership includes 1 free year)

Reader Comments (12)

I've been a subscriber since the beginning Don. Although I've been a Mac user since around 1989, and have provided training for Mac users, both in person and via my free weekly MacTips, I love watching your shows.

I learn heaps from your shows, especially these days with so much to keep up with. You save me a lot of time I'd otherwise spend in exploring software.

The only problem is how often I end up going out and buying software after you've done a show on it. (Just kidding - the software I've bought has been worth every penny.)

And thanks soooo much for introducing us to Evernote.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMiraz Jordan

I check with Don's site before I try to learn any piece of software. In fact, I'm struggling with learning Aperture right now, so I keep bugging Don to just explain it to me in the way only Don can! This is new pricing but it's easily worth this much money for training. Think about what you would pay for six months of training in "meat space"?

Allison Sheridan
NosillaCast at
A Technology Geek Podcast with an EVER so Slight Macintosh Bias

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllison Sheridan

I've been a member for over a year, Don's Parallels screencast featured on TUAW was what introduced me to him. I think the full access to the back catalog is definitely worth the price, as I've dipped into it several times to get info on getting my podcast going, to recently getting the most out of launchbar. The quality of Don's screencasts continue to improve as he releases new content. He has certainly set the bar for anyone else trying to produce screencast content.

This is definitely one tool in the bag any certifiable mac geek needs to have.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Hillyer

If you own a mac you must get a paid subscription to ScreenCastsOnline. IT'S THE LAW!!!!

If you don't own a mac, then get a paid subscription to ScreenCastsOnline. It will make you want a mac!


Don, thanks for all your hard work.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthud314

Don, still a bargain.
I'm so pleased I found SCO. It's a gem.
Thanks for all your hard work.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristo Skelton

I've been enjoying Don's Screencasts for over a year now, in fact it was the final push that made me buy a Mac Mini, now I own several Macs (as well as PCs).

If you want to learn about the Mac and it's vast world of cool applications, checkout Don's Screencastsonline and learn. and have to be the best 2 sites for training and I use them both all the time.

Buy the subscription, it's a definite bargain no matter what Don charges for it. It saves me time evaluating apps I don't need and helps me find apps and solutions I do.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Shadwell

Don delivers content in a brain friendly way. Great Value - it works

Laurie Philp MMC

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie Philp

This is the single best purchase you will ever make as a Mac user. I have been a member for over one year and it is one of those renewals that is a no-brainer.

The only problem with this site is that you will spend a great deal of money buying the applications he reviews. After he finishes a screencast, the apps always look downright yummy.

I have never regretted buying an app because I can always come back and learn more about it by watching the screencast again (example: Rapidweaver). I watch them repeatedly, depending on the app's difficulty level.

Buy it, renew it, you will be glad!

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLandya

Thanks for the overwhelming messages of support!

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

I'm a visual learner and am always checking out video tutorials and imho Don is the best. I've been with him since the beginning and firmly believe he's worth every cent.

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrose matthews

I've followed Don's Free Screencasts for ages, and finally became a fully paid up member a couple of months ago.

The Screencasts helped me no end when I was Switching over from Windows to Mac, and now that I'm helping other Switchers though my own web site, SCO is one of the first recommendations I make to people considering - or just having made - the jump to the Mac platform.

Informative, professional, polished and delivered in Don's inimitable style - what are you still reading this for? - go sign up & get the discount too!

Rob Hanson

"The day-to-day experiences of a Switcher from Windows to Mac"

October 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob Hanson

I'm posting a note at the MacHeist forums to let the folks there know about the change.

Keep up the great work Don. I have learned SO much from your screencasts. You truly do a fabulous job, and I look forward to the new 'casts every week.


October 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermacpug

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