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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScreenCastsOnline Prize Draw - September 2008

35B7C4E9-3E00-4F87-B214-A238A834DF15.jpgContinuing on with the monthly prize draw for new members joining ScreenCastsOnline each month and existing members who renew during the same month.

Here are the results for September 2008

First Prize - Mark Mullett

  • 1GB iPod Shuffle ($49 value)
  • 5 Year ScreenCastsOnline Charter Membership ($199 value)
  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • A new ScreenCastsOnline Archive DVD each year ($65 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)

Second and Third Prize - Mark Thomas and Gerald Johnson

  • Full Set of ScreenCastsOnline DVDs ($30 value)
  • ScreenCastsOnline BaseBall Cap ($14 value)


I'll be running the prize draw each month continuing with October so if you sign up as a new ScreenCastsOnline member or if you renew your membership in October, you'll automatically be entered into the prize draw. If you're a mac related vendor and would like to sponsor the monthly prize draw or donate some prizes, please drop me a line at

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