Bill Gates and Me

Watched the interesting BBC documentary featuring Bill Gates last night. Extremely surprised that Apple didn't feature more prominently as a potential competitor for Microsoft, actually didn't feature at all!
What did tickle me though was Bill's computer setup in his office when comparing it to mine:
Bills Setup (via BBC iPlayer):


So it just goes to show that even though I don't have $50 billion in the bank, at least I have the same computer experience as Bill.
Actually no, he runs Vista and I run OSX Leopard.
So without $50 billion, I have a better computing experience than Bill Gates
What did tickle me though was Bill's computer setup in his office when comparing it to mine:
Bills Setup (via BBC iPlayer):


So it just goes to show that even though I don't have $50 billion in the bank, at least I have the same computer experience as Bill.
Actually no, he runs Vista and I run OSX Leopard.
So without $50 billion, I have a better computing experience than Bill Gates
Reader Comments (9)
But Mr Gates by the sound of it doesn't have any time to sit in front of his computer, but as you say having to run Vista who can blame him if he doesn't want to and uses any excusse not to lolz.
"Actually no, he runs Vista and I run OSX Leopard." That's funny Don! :o)
I sent a tweet earlier about the programme which I watched on iPlayer early this morning. While the internet is the biggest threat to Microsoft software, the Mac is the biggest (and growing threat) to its operating system (it's primary product), so I too am surprised to find very little mention of the Mac. The only mention is near the start when an Apple II was very briefly shown.
Judging by the presenters experience, the BBC uses Windows and statistically it's likely that few BBC employees have used a Mac.
It was a very interesting documentary. I too was annoyed about the exclusion of Apple. They also twisted the truth a bit about Microsoft troiling away on working out how to do Windows - they copied the Macintosh UI didn't they?
I thought the same - why no mention of Apple?
And then I thought how Bill Gates (more likely Steve Balmer) might have said, "Well look, this is a program about how Microsoft has toughed it out in face of governments; how Microsoft has risen to these challenges; so we don't want to go off into discussions of competitors that are around now, do we?"
I'd still like to have his $50 Billion....
OMG HE HAS AN APPLE KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, the Apple keyboard is on my rig!
Is that a Dell 2407 I spy in the middle of your setup? Oh and what monitors do you have each side?
All three monitors are Dells. I'd love to have Cinema Displays but that are so expensive! The Dells work fine for me.