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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScreenCastsOnline Merchandise

The goodies have arrived!

The first batch of ScreenCastsOnline merchandise has arrived and I have to say, I'm as pleased as punch with the quality of the garments and of the embroidered logo!


So much so that, although I've taken the ordering page down (I was just going to do this one batch) I've decided to put the store page back up to catch up on any further orders. I'm also going to order some more for myself to proudly wear at the New Media Expo and MacWorld!

The baseball caps are spectacular!


I'll keep the order page up for another week or two but as it's something I have to order based on demand, I won't be able to keep the offers open indefinitely.

If you'd like your own exclusive ScreenCastsOnline apparel, head over to the ScreenCastsOnline web store and place your order now!

Ideal for birthdays and it's not too early to be thinking about Christmas! Get your loved ones to treat you and put one safely away :-)

PS Forgot to put out one of the sweatshirts but they are also available! The T-Shirts are "Fruit of the Loom" branded.

Reader Comments (1)

great news Don, can't wait to get mine!

May 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMHillyer

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