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Mac Movies

News.pngLooks like 2008 will be a good year for Mac Movies!

I'd already heard about "MacHEADS - The Movie" coming out this year and was jazzed about it!

Now I hear there is another one also coming out (possibly more?) called "Welcome to Macintosh"

I only found out about this one by listening to an excellent interview with the films creators over on Victors Typical Mac User Podcast. The interview was published as a special edition of his podcast and features the two filmakers behind the project, interviewed by Tony Walla. The interview is a great listen and gives a real insight into the film and the intentions behind it. It's also great to hear the Mac credentials of the filmakers - a real treat!

Strongly suggest that you give the interview a listen!

Typical Mac User Podcast - Special Interview

Can't wait for both films to go on general release.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the great comments here and at my site Don. I'm just getting my start in podcasting and I appreciate the encouragement!

May 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTonyWalla

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