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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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The Mac Jury!

The MacJury.jpgMy good friend Chuck Joiner from over on MacNotables and MacVoices, invited me to take part in the inaugural episode of the Mac Jury - a new panel discussion about the Mac.

I recorded the show a week or two ago and it's taken a little while for Chuck to get the site up and running but it's there now and the show is available. If you're a MacVoices or MacNotables subscriber, you'll probably get a copy of the show automatically as I think he'll be putting a copy of at least the first show in that feed.

We're pretty well served in the Mac Community for commentary on the Mac scene but with the introduction of the Mac Jury, there's now even more choice! Just make sure that you don't unsubscribe from the Mac Roundtable!

Not sure when I'll be next on the Mac Jury but Chuck always puts together a varied and interesting group of people so I'll be subscribing! Thanks for the invite Chuck!

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