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More Switchers

6D2E80E4-7EB8-4A03-BE34-16592CB80151.jpgLink: Yet Another High Profile Switcher

This trickle of high profile peeps switching across to the Mac is starting to turn into a deluge!

Seems hardly a day goes by without similar posts being made, from Windows die-hards to people just getting sick of the Windows experience who just want things to work.

You have to wonder what will happen once the iPhone breaks into the Enterprise with the release of iPhone 2.0. There's a lot of talk about the iPod halo effect getting people to become interested in the Mac.

I think the iPod halo effect will pale into insignificance compared to the iPhone halo effect.

Not everyone can afford to make the wholesale change that Roger Ehrenberg looks like he's about to embark on but I bet you many people will wish they could. It might need a more piecemeal approach for most people but as you start to build up your Apple ecosystem, the integration and synergies provided by the Apple hardware platform and the software certainly do pay benefits. Once the iPhone/iPod Touch starts to be more integrated into both work and home activities, I would expect to see the take up of the Mac or the "Apple experience" to explode even faster.

Expect to see a lot more stories like this one over the next 12 months.

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