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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Thanks to the MacUpdate Guys!

Just received word that Joel over at MacUpdate (affiliate link) has sent out an unsolicited endorsement of ScreenCastsOnline with his latest bulk mailing to all the MacUpdate bundle purchasers.

Always great to get some recognition but when it's in the form of such a glowing endorsement, it makes it all that much more special!



If you haven't already seen it, check out the bundle video linked on the front page of It was created by ScreenCastsOnline. The amount of work that goes into creating his videos is enormous. Not only does he need to be a pro Mac user and dig into apps and hardware that he features each week, but then he has to put it all together is a high definition video production.

Last week, Don released this amazing video that features Apple's new Time Capsule. It's by far the best coverage I've seen on the hardware. I was already familiar with it's wireless backup capabilities, but ScreenCastsOnline took it a step further.

ScreenCastsOnline has extended a pretty great discount to become a weekly HD viewer of his videos. Most of the best ones can only be viewed fully as a paying member (like the Time Capsule feature).

You can become a ScreenCastsOnline user and get a 15% discount at:

The more I view some of Don's latest video coverage, the more I think this is by far the best Mac video/print coverage out there.

(MacUpdate gets nothing for making this endorsement. We just think SCO is stellar and you'd appreciate it)

Thanks Joel!

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