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Rapidweaver v4.0

Exclusive preview_ RapidWeaver matures with version 4.pngThe guys over at RealMac Software have been working furiously on the new version of Rapidweaver, my favourite web design tool.

Looks like they are close to releasing a beta of v4.0 as this preview review by ars technica has just been published.

It looks amazing!

Rapidweaver keeps going from strength to strength and I know a lot of ScreenCastsOnline viewers are also Rapidweaver users and enjoy my shows on Rapidweaver.

I've been giving a lot of thought to just how many Rapidweaver shows I can do in ScreenCastsOnline as obviously, not everyone is a Rapidweaver user. Now with the eminent launch of Rapidweaver v4.0, I think I have come to a decision.

Not quite ready to announce it formally yet but if you want to become a "Rapidweaver Expert", then watch this space - or use your imagination to find some placeholder URLs :-)

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Reader Comments (2)

I guess my question is this: Is there a way to use Rapidweaver with a Wordpress blog? I didn't see anything on their site that suggested there is.

If so, that would take this app to a whole new level!

April 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterizzyvideo

Not as part of the base product but checkout this tutorial someone has put together:

May 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

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