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Live Mac Roundtable at Macworld

Typical Mac User Podcast ยป The macround table crew to record Live at Macworld Expo.pngGetting back into the swing of things following Christmas (I hope you and yours have a great time!) and getting ready for New year and then immediately following that - Macworld 2009!

There's a couple of events I'll be attending or participating in, but one recent addition is the inclusion of a live Mac Roundtable recording at Macworld.

We knew some of the crew would be getting together at Macworld but we only decided to approach IDG just before Christmas to see if there was anything we could do for us at the last minute. To our delight and suprise, they were able to offer us a free slot at the Macworld Learning Center Booth (# 3236) in North Hall on Wednesday 7th January between 4:00-5:00pm

Thank you IDG!!!

Up to now, we have the following confirmed members of the crew making an appearance for the live recording:

Allison Sheridan: NosillaCast
Chuck Joiner (prov):
Katie Floyd:
Don McAllister:
David Sparks:
Victor Cajiao typicalmacuser
Adam Christianson The Maccast

We've not yet finalised the format of the show, but I would imagine we'll be chatting about what we've seen at the show and the usual small talk!

If you're at Macworld we would love you to come along and say hello.

Baring an technical issues, we'll be recording and publishing the show on the Mac Roundtable feed soon after.

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