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« 10 reasons why Apple pulled out of Macworld Expo.... | Main | Exactly the Same with ScreenCasting »

Doomed, we're all doomed......

Not really!

Firstly, Let me just start out by saying that I feel sorry for all the Mac fans who have decided to attend Macworld for the first time this year. They probably feel really cut up about Apples decision to pull out of the Expo next year, but most especially due to the fact they'll not have a Stevenote this year. It's a pity Apple left it so late to announce but had they announced it any earlier, the effect on attendance would probably have been devastating. As it stands now, most people have already made arrangements and are still committed to go.

Speaking as some one who has been to two previous Macworlds, I'd just like to reassure people that it's not the end of the world for this year.

Yes, we'll miss the Stevenote but as far as I'm aware, Apple will still have a booth this year. However, if I'm totally honest and from my past experiences, if the Apple booth wasn't there this year, I really wouldn't be too upset.

Yes, it's nice to get hands on with some new products but when the iPhone was launched it was limited to two iPhones in glass cases. When the MacBook Air was launched, they did have quite a large table (or 20) with them on, but that was it. Everything else was exactly the same as what you can see in the Apple store. Even the Apple people on staff weren't that knowledgeable, really, 20 minutes and I was done with the Apple stuff and moved on to the next thing on the enormous show floor.

The main draw for me at Macworld (OK, yes I liked the excitement of the Stevenote) was the show floor, the Macworld sessions but mainly the people and the sense of community. Oh, and the parties!

There is no reason why it shouldn't be the same this year as long as people don't fall into the trap of turning it into a wake!

Apple are still churning out amazing products and are in a strong position moving forward. The fact there is no Stevenote doesn't mean there won't be any announcements at Macworld - it's possible but the absence of Steve and no announcements would send all the wrong messages.

So basically, don't get too upset. This year has still the makings of a fantastic show.

Apple are just tightening their belts and perhaps trying to back off a little from the "cultishness" that Macworld seems to fuel. You really have to wonder if that recent Simpsons episode hit a little too close to home? I don't know about you, but it made me feel just a tad uncomfortable, funny as it was!

Don't get me wrong, I'm completely on board with the whole Apple thing, but as a multi billion dollar corporate entity, don't Apple have a responsibility (and isn't it in their best long term interests) to try and negate the "Steve" effect and the outside worlds perception.

Perhaps they just felt now was the time to do it.

As for next year, who knows what the repercussions will be?

It's too early to say but a lot will depend on how this years show is perceived and the reaction of the fans and the news sites.

I say, we really don't make that much of a song and dance about it, and really, other than the absence of the flurry of excitement on the Tuesday morning, Macworld will hardly be any different this year.

Reader Comments (6)

The only big downer for me is that I was planning to go next year for the first time. I'll never get to know what it was like with apple being at macworld.

That said, I don't think it's going to make a huge difference - macworld will always be a good mac tradeshow by mac fans for mac fans.

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Hillyer

I am also in the UK and I suddenly see no point going to Macworld in San Francisco when I can get a very similar trade show experience at Macworld Expo in London or Paris. What do you think Don? Is it still worth all the travelling when we can go to a trade show closer to home?

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIan Mayman

Don, you are probably right for this year, but for 2010, without Apple as an anchor and CES going on at the same time, I'd expect attendance from exhibitors and the public to be much more limited. Certainly, us UK folk are going to be taking a long hard look at going on our own penny.

And if media interest is down due to no Apple, that means less exhibitors, so less sponsorship, which means less on-site blog coverage, so less media interest, and so on until the thing becomes financially unviable.

I'd view it as pretty much on life support from now on. How long did the East Coast show last without Apple attending?

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Cohen

I fear that David Cohen and commentators such as Jason Snell are correct when they say "the departure of Apple will in all likelihood do for the San Francisco show what it did for the East Coast version: Lead to a mass exodus of other vendors until the show is basically a conference with a withered, vestigial trade-show limb".

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike B

I think the major issue when comparing the implosion of the East coast Macworld when Apple ditched was that there was always the West Coast Macworld to fall back on.

There is no fall back position on the current Macworld Expo, it's all we've got and as such, will have a different dynamic and should not implode as easily.

December 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

Ian, The scale of previous Macworlds was significantly larger than the European ones and obviously, the US has (had?) all the major players attending. Along with many of the smaller US based software developers.

So yes, it was worth it to me.

With Apples withdrawl, only the Keynote is a disappointment but if they can keep up the momentum for next year, the absence of Apple is not a major factor for me.

December 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonMc

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