The Man Who Would Be Steve?

What was extremely interesting was the fact that two new faces took the stage to take over certain parts of the presentation - namely Tim Cook And Jony Ive. Both familiar names but it was the first time (for me at least) that I was able to see these guys and get a feel for who they were.
I was hugely impressed with Jony Ive, acknowledged as the design powerhouse behind most of Apples successful products for the last decade. He came across as an articulate, passionate and charismatic character which I must admit, did surprise me somewhat, seeing as he has always seemed to take a back-room role and shun the limelight.
Steve still looks thin but healthy and I've no worries about him continuing in his current role until he decides otherwise, but I think yesterday was the first step in introducing the future public face of Apple - Jonathan Ive
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