Ahem - I Told You So!

It follows my successful prediction of the iPhone back in September 2006, 4 months before the announcement of the iPhone at MacWorld 2007 - There Will Be No Real Video iPod! - Sept 2006 which unfortunately went pretty much unnoticed but was validated with the launch of the iPhone, taking many people by surprise.
This time it's the fact that I correctly predicted that Apple would not release an update to the Cinema Displays until it had DisplayPort technology primed and ready to go. - Ah! So that's why..... Sept 2007! I think I nailed that one too with the announcement of the first update of the Cinema Display with Displayport technology yesterday (Oct 2008) and also the fact that Apple will be introducing DisplayPort technology across it's entire range of new notebooks (and presumably desktops when refreshed).
I thank you!
PS My predictions for MacWorld 2009, I'll get back to you on that!
Technorati Tags:
Apple, iPhone, Displayport
Mac Related

Reader Comments (5)
The iMacs already have a Mini-DVI port so you can use a 2nd monitor, so in theory you could use the new 24" Cinema Display plugged into an iMac for dual screen wonderfulness too!!
Actually Paul, that's not quite right!
The Mini-DisplayPort connector is not compatible with the Mini-DVI on an iMac. Current techincal specs indicate that it's only compatible with the new range of laptops.
They probably need to make this clearer to prevent people ordering for old laptops.
Not sure if they'll be able to provide a converter but there will need to be a refresh of the iMac and the MacMini to allow them to use this new technology. I imagine they will be able to provide an updated video card for the MacPro. Perhaps the rest of the range of Cinema Displays will be rolled out in January along with the iMac/Mac Mini refresh.
Hi Don,
Seems the debate has already started here too:
Will Apple make adapters? possibly - will Apple overcharge for them if they do? definitely!
I could be wrong (won't be the first time) but on the iMac specs it clearly state that the port is a Mini-DVI port. Mini-DVI is an industry standard port as stated by Steve Jobs in the keynote so I would be surprised if it had different output specs on the iMac than it does on the new MacBook, MacBook Air and Macbook Pro.
I have 2 new 24" iMacs in the office and the adaptor I bought to connect a 2nd display (24" Dell monitors) is called a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor.
It looks like the Micro-DVI connector that is used on the existing MacBook Air will be phased out.
But like I said, I could be wrong. As soon as the Cinema Display is available I will and try it out and let you know.
The tech specs for the new monitor has a compatibility section which states compatibility only with the new range of notebooks with the Mini-DisplayPort connector. It transpires that this is carrying bi-diredctional video and audio. The Mini-DVI is video only!
Interesting stuff