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Twas the night before.....

Just a quick update before grabbing a few hours sleep.

Despite having the presenters pass, I've decided to go with the flow and meetup with the rest of the guys outside the Apple store at 4am. I know, I know but I promised!

Fairly low key day today, starting to pace myself for the frantic week ahead.

Finished off the day with a visit to the Smile on my Mac party graciously hosted by Philip, Greg and Jean. Met up with a few Mac podcastsers including Victor Cajiao, Adam Christianson, Dave Hamilton and Ken Ray, along with some previous ScreenCastsOnline sponsors. Ken grabbed me for a quick pre-keynote chat which will probably be posted on the Mac OS Ken feed before the keynote.

I know of two other "events" happening tonight but it's a long day tomorrow so I'm being sensible and saving myself by having an early night.

By the way, did I mention the Hotel has an iHome in the room? Pretty neat and although it's complaining it's not made for the iPhone, it works a treat.

Might have to check one out when I get home.

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