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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Overnight Scare and Badge Pickup Suprise

Following on from my extended 25 hour plus journey and arrival meal, I finally hit the sack and fell into a deep, deep sleep. Figured if I could sleep through until at least 9am, that should stand me in good stead until tomorrow.

All was well until 2:30am when the phone rang with a call from home. Temporary automotive crisis!

Why do these things happen when I'm away?

All sorted and managed to get back to sleep until the alloted 9am - phew!

Thanks to the power of Twitter, I discovered the lines to pick up the badges where horrendous so decided to leave picking them up for an hour or two. Leisurely got myself together and had a hearty breakfast on the way to Moscone. The queues had died down by the time I got there and my user conference badge was duly picked up. No printed schedules for the conference available - huh!

Went upstairs to pick up my presenters badge for Friday.

Given my badge, a ticket to the MacBlast party ($40), a ticket to the Cirque Du mac Party and a ticket to the Mac Life party - result! The icing on the cake was that I was told the pass will get me priority access into the Keynote - double result!

The dillema is now due I still queue up at 4am and meet up with the people I'd promised to meet, or just saunter along at 7:15am.

What do you think?

Reader Comments (1)

tough one, sauntering along later as befits your status must be tempting! ;p

January 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrob workman

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