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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Back From My Travels

Back in the UK after a family holiday to Tunisia.

Weather - Great
Food - Great
People - Great
Accommodation - Great
Internet Access - OMG!

The worse possible experience of trying to keep up with mail and the blogosphere. It was frankly impossible although I suppose it was a good experience to allow me to appreciate just how well connected I am at home.

Basically, the Internet Cafe at the hotel was 4 really old Windows PCs (with 3 switched off permanently switched off) running Windows XP. Add in the fact that you had to use IE (installed with every third party toolbar ever invented installed) plus it was running over dial up, made the Internet not a very nice place to be.

So in the end I just gave up!

I probably spent no more than 30 minutes online the whole week - a very weird experience indeed, especially when you make your living online.

Ah well, back home now and back to normal.

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