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Just popped into my local PC World on the off chance they might have a new iMac on display as I've not be able to spare the time to visit an Apple store.

Lo and behold - they did!

Gorgeous looking thing, the keyboard seems nice and responsive and the glossy screen looks fab! A very impressive looking beast indeed!

So I steps up to give it a try and what do I find.....

  • Mighty Mouse right button not configured so a PC user won't have a clue.
  • The desktop is completely bare except for a single hard disk icon labelled "a"
  • No Dock - Dock has been hidden - WTF!

So anyone just walking up to the iMAc will find a blank screen, no icons, no applications, nothing - nada!

Do these people actually want to sell Apple stuff?

Even being an experienced Mac user, I had to scratch my head for a minute on how to put things right. I few minutes later I had the Mouse working, the dock visible and it actually looked like there was something installed on the machine.

I despair sometimes!

Reader Comments (1)

Just go on holiday Don!!!

Actually I share your annoyance with PC World. I believe they stock just a few Macs to get round the monopoly regs, they never seem to make much attempt to sell them.

Luckily I have an Apple retailer directly opposite the local PC World :)

August 26, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercolinc

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