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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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FON-1.jpgHaving the iPhone has made me rely more on wifi and the brought home the realisation of the dearth of it over here in the UK.

So I was intrigued to see an announcement detailing an agreement between BT and FON to expand the use of free wifi spots throughout the UK.

I needed to expand my wi-fi coverage at home and as I've got plenty of available download bandwidth available I've gone and ordered a FON router.

FON SHOP.jpgAs far as I can make out, it's a 2 port wireless router that you hook up to your network. It has two wifi networks - a private one for you and a public one for other FON users (FON restricts shared bandwidth to 512MB on the public network). Then any other FON user within range can use my public network for free.

The nice thing is of course that I can use any other FON access points throughout the globe as well!

We'll see how it along comes together once I get the router but it's a neat idea!

Reader Comments (2)

I really didn't think this was going to catch on, brilliant idea though it is...

I was out yesterday about to send some pictures back to base via my Vodafone 3G card, opened the laptop in a residential street in St Albans and there was a FONN network! Amazing.

Looked into it later and they are EVERYWHERE! Lets hope this grows rapidly, particularly that BT are now on board and we truly could see 'free' wi-fi' across the UK. Thanks as ever, for the heads up Don...

October 31, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersimon

[...] You may remember I did a post a couple of weeks ago about the FON wi-fi sharing scheme. [...]

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