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Apple TV: A Hobby?

Blackfriars_ Marketing_ Apple TV_ just a preview of coming upgrade attractions.jpg

You know, I've always been a little perplexed by Steve Jobs reference to the Apple TV being classed as "a Hobby" with Apple. It didn't just sit right with me and I felt it was a classic case of misdirection by Jobs.

Carl Howe over at Blackfriars' Marketing Blog has done a great post mentioning the three pieces of the Apple TV puzzle that are not yet in place but when they are, will generate revenue of more than $1.8 billion in 2009.

There's no real new information in there but the previously rumoured bittorrent support to allow for peer to peer support in Leopard for the distribution of movie files makes another appearance.

We are literally within weeks of Leopards launch and I have to wonder what hidden delights of Leopard still need to be made public. I'm sure that additional integration with the Apple TV and most definitely the iPhone are certainly on the cards.

We'll soon find out!

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