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Starbucks it is then!

DSC00155.jpgAh Well, I know to get a Conference ticket next time.

So I'm actually sitting in the Starbucks next to Mosone West waiting for the keynote to start. It could be worse.

I've got a nice hot coffee and the internet access is fine.

I'll probably be following via MacRumors coverage which is second to none.

If anyone is reading this inside the hall and takes pity on me who has a spare VIP pass, if you want to come and get me, I'm the guy with the MBP and the green checked shirt ;-)

Reader Comments (1)

Don, what a shame! are THERE! I am still very envious!!!! As you say you will be able to go and fondle all the stuff later :) ENJOY.

January 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSimon J

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