In the Expo

Well the keynote is over and I've had a mooch around. Currently sitting in the Microsoft Bloggers Lounge (!) Nice big chairs, power and wired ethernet.
I've uploaded a few pics to flickr and inserted a new Macworld 2007 fickr badge in the sidebar.
First impressions of the Keynote.
The iPhone blew me away and I had visions of queuing up at the Apple store and bringing one home until they announced the availability. Q4 for Europe - Nooooo!!!!
I didn't see the demo in the keynote but there are some demos at the show and it looks superb. Strictly no hands on yet though. The only two you can get up close to are in glass cases with security. Check out the flickr badge.
Apple TV was somewhat over shadowed by the iPhone but there are some on display and I'll get up close and personal with them soon.
The Expo is a lot bigger than I anticipated so it's going to take a couple of days to cover it fully.
The big question though is what was missing:
No Quad Mac Pros
No iLife 07
No iWork 07
No new spreadsheet
The expo still has Ilfe 06 and iTunes and iPod Apple demos but as you can imaging, there is not many queues around those!
I hope we can expect some more announcements in the next few months - the next few days would be preferable.
Think I'll go off to see the MacBreak Weekly show being recorded tonight.
I'll take my camera.
Off for some grub.
Technorati Tags:
Macworld 2007, Apple, iPhone
Reader Comments (2)
What Ho Don,
(Gosh you must have a very understanding wife, am I jealous or what!). FYI I ordered an Apple TV minutes after Steve strutted his stuff and oddly enough a lady with a North American accent took my order even though I had dialed the UK 0800 number (but hey she still recognised me a as returning Apple customer, OK so its tacky but dont you just love it!) Delivery date is estimated at £199 so in for a bit of wait but I think it will be worth it. Tried the Hauppauge stuff but its a bit clunky and user hostile, on the other hand I have two USB sticks so it will ll be interesting to see what Legato do by way of support for Apple TV (loads I suspect)
Phone sounds groovey, but as far I know only Orange support EDGE at the mo in the UK. Vodafone ran a UK trial here in sunny Southampton but its success appear to have shelved it for now.
Was kind of hoping the mac Mini would sprout a core duo 2 proc and 1GB ram but guess thats to follow soon, my aging G4 file server will just have keep on ticking away for a few weeks more before its appointment with eBay (have you seen what second-hand macs make on eBay? unreal!)
Hope you get to meet Leo, I was fortunate enough to hook him up one afternoon (UK evening) via his KFI show, really genuine sincere bloke. Just remember you are more famous and more importantly well-respected than you probably think matey.
Phil Bridges - Southampton, England, absolutely nowhere near Mac World., not even slightly......!
Cheers Phil. You've just prompted me to order mine - forgot about that!
I saw Leo before on the MacWorld stand and I'm going to the MacBreak Weekly recording shortly - I might say hello.
Don't know about the famous bit, mind you, two ScreenCastsOnline viewers have recognised me up to now and said hello!