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The Mothership Beckons...


As you are probably aware, MacWorld kicks off next week in San Fransisco. The holy grail for all Mac fans.

I'd love to go but...

Well, I've checked out some last minute flights and at a push...

I can get a good deal on a cheap hotel near to the Moscone.....

I could live off burgers for the week but....

It would would mean me staying out for seven days to keep the flight costs down....

What do you think?

Would it be worth the expense?

Can you see the keynote live from outside of the event (I could only afford a pass to the Exhibit Hall)?

I need to decide today!


Reader Comments (7)

Hi Don! Have you ever been to a Mac World? Well if you haven't I'd say that it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I think that you can watch the Keynote outside. I'm not really sure because I was at the keynote when Steve presented it. But it wasn't like it was the best thing in macworld. There are so many exhibits for really neat stuff from the mac community. Maybe next year you could have a booth? IDK just an idea. So ya if you do, you'll never regret it.

January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKiro

No, I've been to MacWorld in London and Paris but I would imagine that SF blows them away!


January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon


If you can, please Gooooo - I for one would look forward to your return as you will see many new idea's that you could share with us all
I'd be willing to chip in a donation towards your travel expenses
Keep up your excellent work
Lou Shapiro

January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLou Shapiro

Ok OK I'll go :-)

Thanks for the support (along with the guys on the forum).

Very kind offer Lou, but leaving it until 3 days before meant I got a reasonable combined hotel and flight bargain!

I'll be blogging from the event and may even post a report or two from the show floor.

January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Thanks for making the time and $ investment to attend Macworld. I'll look forward to your posts. I can't afford it this year but some day...
I get vicarious pleasure from reading/listening to the posts from my favorite bloggers & podcasters.


January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGinny Brady

Hi Don,

Just seen this, and I have to say I'm jealous :-) Have a fantastic trip and I look forward to hearing about the trip. It'd be great if you could take a video camera and interview some folks for a future SCO episode too.

Cheers, Ant

January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnt Cooper

Good decision Don! You only live once. For your committement to us SCO subscribers I well definitly continue my Extra subscrition for another 12 months.

Good Luck, Bon Voyage, don't forget to blog all the gossip.



January 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Kingsman

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