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OMG - The UK has its own Mac Ads!


Let me sit down....

Apple have launched a whole series of Mac Ads on the UK website.

The UK ads are similar to the US based ads but they've only gone and hired "Mitchell and Webb", one of the latest hot properties on the UK comedy scene - "That Mitchell and Webb Look"

We've seen the occasional iPod and iTunes ads over here in the UK but a real Mac ad - well I can't remember ever seeing one!

OMG - does this mean they'll actually start transmitting them on TV in the UK!

Surely they must intend to after hiring such a high profile pair?

Some of the UK ads are exact copies of the US versions and to be honest, these are the ones that seem to work the best for me. It will be interesting to see how these new ads go down with the UK public of whom I would guess that 99.9% have never seen the US ads (or possibly don't even know Apple does something else other than the iPod).

Now I know the Apple marketing machine is full of really creative and talented people and this has probably been discussed to the nth degree but I'm not convinced using such a well known pair is such a good move?

But hey, credit were credit is due and anything that raises the profile of the Mac in the UK has gotta be a good thing!

They even mention "Mac OSX" in one of the Ads.

It's OK, I'll be all right in a minute once I've stopped feeling giddy!

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Reader Comments (3)

It's also nice to see orginial ads in the UK too, not to mention having them personnalise (like the part about Britans working long hours or the use of British terms in "Pie Chart", which, by the way, just sent me laughing like crazy seeing how they aren't common here). But why, Don, would having a high profile pair which, I assume, many Britans know, would be bad?

By the way, is it just me or does John Hodgman (US PC) have some stiff competition? This guy's funny!

January 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersnowy2004

I don't know!

It just struck me as odd!

However, I've just watched them a second time and I'm starting to warm to them :-)

It was probably the shock at first but I think they'll stand up pretty well to repeated viewing on the TV now that I've seen them again!.

January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Don't know about TV but I've already seen one of these adverts in the cinema this weekend. :-) I went to see DreamGirls in Edinburgh Cineworld and as I was walking into de room one of these adverts was playing.

February 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMaria

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