Single Line RSS Feed ....Grrrrr

I'm with Ethan on this one
I’d like to start a movement:
Everyone should unsubscribe to any blog or RSS feed source which does not provide a full-text feed for free. I’m sick and tired of being counted as a subscriber when the feed is next to useless.
Its one of my pet peeves too!

Reader Comments (4)
The BBC are a culprit, it's really annoying that you have to constantly click through and open another tab (and I probably have too many open already).
BTW, the link is broken - looks like you've doubled up the http.
Fixed! Thanks Peter!
Don i could not agree more. It peeves me off something cronic and I unsubscribe straight away. Even slashdot peeves me by not having the links in the rss feed. So in order to click a link I have to go to slashdot. Total bloody waste of their bandwidth :-)