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Apple TV - Resolutions

Been spending some time worrying about the dearth of HD content via the Apple TV for us folks here in the UK.

Over the weekend I watched about 8 episodes of a certain US based TV series all about humans with special powers. Excellent series by the way.

The thing that struck me was just how good the shows looked on my 50" HDTV.

The shows were encoded at a resolution of just 624 x 352 and the file size averaged at around 350MB per episode.

They looked fine, nowhere near HD quality but the content drew me in.

Perhaps I shouldn't worry too much about HD content and it will be a bonus when it finally does arrive either via iTunes or other avenues!

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Reader Comments (1)

And how pray tell Don did you recieve this content? :-)
I'm watching that show too and was well pleased with the latest episode!

January 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDave Lists.

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