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Apple at the Superbowl

I've been seeing a lot of blog posts about Apple taking out an extremely expensive advertising slot during the Superbowl.

Most (all?) seem to think it's all going to be about the Beatles getting signed up for the iTunes Store?

Nah, can't see it myself. Sure it would be cool but surely it doesn't warrant such a high profile advert. So what will it be.....

When's the Superbowl again?

Oh yes, February 4th....

And who is doing a major launch of a new OS on January 30th, oh yes, Microsoft with Vista.

So what better than 5 days later to start a MAJOR offensive on launching your superior OS to the masses via one of the most significant ad spots available.

I mean, look what they did in 1984...

1984 Superbowl Ad

The Beatles? Nah, 2007 is all about Leopard folks!

Bring it on :-)

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Reader Comments (4)

I hope you're right. Screw The Beatles, give me Leopard. ;)

January 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJimmy Nordlund

Well, I could see that but it just doesn't feel right to have Apple using a Super Bowl ad to pre-announce an OS. Unless they do a cool ad like they did in 1984... and maybe announce that it comes out Monday. :)

I would be ok with a ad for the Beatles. It's a rather major thing being the only place where you can get the Beatles online. And you'll be advertising strait to adults, people who know the Beatles.

Until it isn't some I'm a Mac ad (they aren't cool enough for the Super Bowl) or a Silhouette ad (unless they use a Beatles song), and it's good, It'll be OK.

January 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersnwoy2004

Someone did a calculation on the ROI (Return On Investment) needed to justify the cost of buying the slot compared to the number of Beatles tunes they'd have to sell to justify the slot.

It was a lot of tracks!

I think the coolness factor alone would probably justify it enough but I just get the feeling that Apple haven't started seeding Leopard into the public consciousness yet. Sure, all us Apple diehards know about it (well everything except for the super secret stuff), but your average Joe in the street doesn't.

They probably don't even know about Vista yet but once the Microsoft machine swings into action leading up to the 30th January, I'm sure that will change.

I doubt it will even metion Leopard per se but will start to raise the profile of Apple to let people know there is an alternative to Vista and maybe even start to release some of the secret stuff.

It'll all be good regardless!

January 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

It might be a lot of tracks but remember, it's not just any band. It's the Beatles. They still are popular. But I will admit that I would love to see some "1984"-esque ad or even an ad just showing a mac (preferably an all new one, for effect :) ) with Time Machine and other not-yet-shown-off features of Leopard with some guy saying :

"On Febuary 5th (Yes, Monday after the SuperBowl), Apple will introduce Mac OS X Leopard and you'll see how the first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2007"

And the black, backlit Apple logo comes up.

Boom! as Steve Jobs would say :)

January 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersnowy2004

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