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Macworld 2007 - Day 3

Pounding the show floor today and my legs are starting to feel it!

Whenever I go to these types of events I usually put in some training before hand - seriously.

As a CA World veteran, when they used to hold the event in New Orleans the conference center was huge and often involved walking the length and breadth of the conference center between sessions. Consequently, a week or two before, I'd go for some long walks to prepare myself :-)

As coming to Macworld was a very late decision, I didn't really have the chance for any prep. Perhaps I should keep myself in better shape anyway!

I've been slightly surprised and I suppose disappointed at lack of new stuff here on the Macworld Expo floor.

From Apple there's obviously the iPhone and the Apple TV but you can't really play with them. The new Airport Base Station is nowhere to be seen and wasn't even announced at the expo but just appeared on the Apple site.

The Apple staff manning the iTunes and iPod stands seem particularly under utilised.

Leopard only makes an appearance as a special presentation on one of the big Apple stages. The only addition to the presentation made by Steve in the WWDC preview was the mention of using a Hard Drive connected to one of the new Airport Base stations to act as the Time Machine backup drive. This is a new feature of the Airport Base station as you can attach and share a USB drive directly from the Airport Base Station.

There's the usual bog standard Final Cut Studio display, an Aperture demo, the iLife package but all stuff we've seen before.

And that's about it from Apple.

Third Party vendors are abundant but if you discount the usual iPod accessory stands (Nooooo!!!) there's not really that much new stuff at all.

Special mention to the Axiotron Modbooks which are the exception - these are standard Macbooks that have been modified to include a pen driven Wacom digitiser turning them effectively into Mac tablets - very cool!

Some revs and new versions of software announced but nothing earth shattering.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!

While I'm on a negative phase, the food in Macworld is pretty rubbish and very expensive. And the service is awful :-)

No sympathy expected just telling you as it is.

Off to the Mac Podcasters meetup in the Apple store now - will report back tomorrow on how that goes.

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Reader Comments (2)

The ModBook is the only new Mac of the show and it looks pretty nice!

Hope you have a great time at the Podcasters meet-up, and don't forget to speak on it! Get some free publicity :)

January 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commentershadownight

The podcasters meet up was a blast!

A great turn out and I did get to speak on the panel in such esteemed company as Ken Ray, Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsey and Scott Bourne along with many other fine podcasters too numerous to mention.

The session lasted nearly 2 hours and I think Adam will most likely post it to the Maccast feed. I'll post a separate blog post when it's available.

Kudos to Adam for organising it along with the after show party!

January 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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