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The River of News - Google Reader Style

River of News-styled reading is a good idea for some, if it suits your mood.I ended up wanting to categorize it into the organized form I used to read it in. I’m not in the mood to read everything today, I’m in the mood to read certain topics and people.

I tried ‘river of news’ style but… at Eric Rice

Eric Rice is pushing back against the "River of News" metaphor that seems to have become so popular in certain quarters.

I've gotta agree with him!

That's why I was such a big fan of NetNewsWire as it let me categorise feeds into folders and I could pick what I wanted to read depending on my particular need at the time. I'm subscribed to over 200 feeds and no way could I cope with a deluge!

In some ways, Google Reader is even better in that I can assign multiple categories (or tags) to feeds so that a feed can be in both my Mac related category and my Notables category. If I feel like reading about mac related stuff, all my mac feeds are agregated into a single list which I can skip through and read using the "j" key but it also includes all my "notable" mac related people as well. If I feel like reading about people, it's easy just to click on the "notables" and read all the agregated posts.

I can of course see who has posted and just jump straight to that feed.

Even better is it's on the web so I can do it from any machine anywhere and always be current.


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