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RIP Gillmor Gang?

So is that it?

I hope not, as the Gillmor Gang proved to be one of the most thought provoking nuggets of wisdom (and BS) in the podosphere.

It must have been pretty special to have maintained any sort of regular listenership due to.... well count the obstacles:
  • Crappy audio quality

  • The bizarre use of 20% of each segment just for brain numbing repetition of pretty abysmal ads

  • The frankly bonkers idea of splitting up each show into up to five 25 minute segments and then publishing them all on the same day! Which often (always!) meant that iPod syncing never worked as you'd only get the last part during a sync on my configuration

  • I was always sure there was a really good reason for this but Steve never explained and I was always too scared to comment for fear of being told "f*ck you" as so many brave soles before me did.

    Perhaps it was to prove they really did have our attention?

    Well you did Steve, despite all these barriers to listening and the remarkably shabby way I felt treated as a listener. No, I still hung in there, I still manually went into iTunes to download the other parts and yes I scrolled through those adverts to get to the meat.

    It was worth it to catch the occasional spark of brilliance, to listen to the frustrations of the gang, to change my opinion of Jason and to get an insight into the workings of SV.

    So now it's gone and we're left with a partial show and no real sign off.

    Pretty much par for the course but you know what, I'll miss the gang.

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