Mac App Store for Xmas?

Appletell are floating an idea that the Mac App store may well launch on December 13th, in time for Christmas.
It's public knowledge that Apple have been pushing developers to get "Mac App store ready" versions of their applications into them for validation for a while.
I'm aware through Twitter, that many App developers have already submitted Apps for inclusion into the Mac App store.
It's also public knowledge that a second beta of Mac OSX 10.6.6 has been released to developers (AppleInsider) with support for the Mac App store included. This would allow developers to do a final test on their apps ahead of the Mac App store launch.
Steve's announcement in the recent Apple event would put the scheduled launch of the Mac Store round about the 20th January 2011 (90 days from the announcement).
So why would Apple bring this forward?
Obviously it needs to be ready, first and foremost, and by all accounts it is.
If they could launch a fully operational Mac App store before Christmas, it could be a major boost to Apple.
It's well documented that traffic to the existing iTunes and App store goes ballistic at Christmas. Sales of music and iOS Apps goes through the roof, as new iPod touch and iPhone owners go online with their brand new devices, and start downloading and installing from the iTunes store.
Imagine the same scenario for all the new Mac users this Christmas.
All the new iMacs (and probably this Christmas, new MacBook Airs) being given as Christmas gifts, crying out for new, shiny Mac software. But where to get Mac software over the Christmas period?
Welcome to the Mac App store!
The timing would be perfect.
If they did manage to launch before Christmas, Apple will get both a huge uptake from existing Mac users wanting to test out the new service for a couple of weeks before Christmas, plus all the new business stemming from the new Macs after Christmas.
Very smart!
And let's just say Apple keep to an annual rollout of the iPad, with version 2 coming out in MArch/April, they could schedule a special event in January to pre-announce the new iPad, just like in 2010.
What would be on the first few slides of the hugely covered iPad launch?
Spectacular sales of Mac Apps over the Christmas period, all thanks to the new Mac App Store.