A Quandary?

As we all know, even though Apple releases information and code via its developer forums, ostensibly via an Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA), it soon becomes common knowledge.
Countless blogs republish the information, pick apart its significance, and even scour the code for clues to future releases or devices.
I've been a member of the Apple OSX and iOS developer scheme for a few years now, and have never released any information that would breach the terms of the NDA, even if it's been common knowledge and splattered across every other Mac blog.
I like to think that I'm fairly old school, and if I've agreed to an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) then I'll abide by it. Reputation and integrity count for a lot in my book, and I really would not want to risk or damage either by doing something foolish!
It amazes me when I get an email from Apple advising of a new seed release of an OSX version with a strongly worded warning about disclosing pre-release software, and then in a hour or so, see it plastered all over various blogs.
However, OSX Lion Developer Preview seems to be a different beast (pardon the pun!)
Announced via Press Release on the same day as the new MacBook Pro range, the new preview of Lion came as a bit of a shock in its timing and content. Lots of the features had already been pre-announced by Apple but the preview included some new extra features. Apple announced these official new features publicly via a new webpage on the Apple site Mac OS X Lion.
As you might expect, the Apple blogosphere exploded with features about Lion and many sites covered both the officially discussed features, but also some leaks about features not discussed in Apples webpages.
So I'm in a bit of a quandary!
I'd love to do a ScreenCastsOnline segment of the official published features of Mac OS X Lion, for those ScreenCastsOnline members who haven't had chance to see it in action.
But even though the features are disclosed and published by Apple, I fear that the Developer Preview is still under NDA and I'd be opening myself up to the wrath of Apple if I recorded some screencasts, even if it was just covering the published features.
I think it safer to err on the side of caution in this case, so I'll probably need to wait for the official version to be released in the summer.