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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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ScreenCastsOnline Affiliate - Reboot

I've run a fairly low key affiliate partner program for a while, but haven't really promoted it very much since the new website was launched.

For the uninitiated, an affiliate program is just a way of rewarding people who recommend the service to friends, colleagues and family. Basically, you register as an affiliate, and I provide a unique referral link for you to give out whenever you recommend ScreenCastsOnline. If someone subsequently signs on as a member after using your link, you'll get some commission.

With the newly redesigned website, the huge archive of ScreenCastsOnline tutorials, the simplified membership structure and the new complimentary subscription to the ScreenCastsOnline magazine, more people are recommending ScreenCastsOnline than ever before.

So I've decided to reboot the ScreenCastsOnline Affiliate Partner program, and would invite you to take part.

I had some banner ads created a while ago, but they are starting to show their age and needed a refresh, plus I've decided to be a bit more generous on the commission paid for referrals!

Firstly, I've commissioned some new banner ads and very smart they are too!

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All of these banner ads are available via the affiliate website. It's really easy to set them up by simply copying and pasting the provided HTML code snippets to your blog or website. Links to the images and your referral code are already included for you.

Second thing I've done is to increase the affiliate commission to 50%.

So now, if anyone joins up as a member as a result of your affiliate link, you could receive up to $35 for each annual membership, or up to $12.50 for each quarterly membership (for the initial membership period only).

You don't necessarily need to have a website or blog to become an Affiliate Partner, as I also provide simple text links that you can send via email or embed in replies to blog posts or forum signatures etc.

If you think you'd like to register and become a ScreenCastsOnline Affiliate Partner (it's free and you don't even have to be a ScreenCastsOnline member), you can learn more about it and register here.

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