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iOS 6 Maps - The Mapocalypse 

So iOS 6 is out, and on the whole, it's a fairly solid release. Some great new features, nothing too earth shattering, but all welcome additions to the platform.

Then there is Maps.

Apple announced with the introduction of iOS 6 way back at WWDC, that they would be replacing Google Maps on iOS 6. They acquired some mapping technology companies a few years ago, and have been developing their own mapping strategy in association with a number of partners. 


Can you imaging the kahunas required to even contemplate taking on Google's experience and data and creating a global mapping system from scratch!

So Apple have tried and have got release 1.0 out of the door.

It's not perfect, far from it. 

In limited testing during the beta, it was always a weak spot but I have seen it steadily improve. 

And it will keep improving. 

But for now, there are areas where it's not up to scratch, literally.

But it will get better. 

As an add on to iOS 6, and don't forget, it includes turn by turn navigation and the spectacular 3D FlyOver technology on devices that support it, it's pretty good for a freebie. 

But yes, lot's of gnashing of teeth as to why Apple removed Google Maps and left us with this mess, with no alternative.

In fact, there is an alternative that will restore most of the functionality of the built in Google Maps onto your iOS device (minus StreetView) and that's to use the mobile version of Google Maps.  You can even create a new icon on your home screen, and also allow Google Maps to use the location services of your device to show your current location. and give you directions. 

It's really easy to set up, and as a public service, I've created this short, five minute video to walk you through the process.

Enjoy and spread the word!

PS The video is in HD, so select the HD setting for the best results.



Reader Comments (1)

It's a pain really, I used the Maps app every day before leaving work to choose how to drive home and avoid the main queues. I have already added the mobile Google Maps to my home screen, but compared to the previous app, it is a pain and just takes more time to add the traffic layer each time.
The new Apple Maps thing is an abomination, the traffic information is almost invisible and not accurate at all, as much use to me as a fork to eat soup...
I wish I could just return to IOS5 on my iPad?

Anyway, good idea Don, not everyone knows the trick how to add a webpage to their home screen.

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchris101010

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