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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Mac Power Users - Episode #74

NewImageI was delighted to be asked to appear as a guest on the Mac Power Users podcast, by my good friends Katie Floyd and David Sparks.

A long time fan of the MPU podcast, I've seen them grow into a bit of a behemoth, especially following the recent joining up with the 5by5 network. They really do a fantastic job of drilling down into depth on lots of Mac topics, as well as hosting the special "workflow" episodes.

This week's episode is one such workflow episode, and they invited me on to talk all about my screencasting workflow, as well as how I run ScreenCastsOnline as a business.

Despite wanting to keep it under the hour, we ran on to 90 minutes. Seemed to pass very quickly ;-)

So thanks again to Katie and David for inviting me on, I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed chatting.

Direct Link to show page

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