Is this thing on?

My goodness, the 24th October 2011 was the last time I posted to my blog.
Oh the shame.
Been a pretty busy few months since then though, what with six apps in the App Store (three for iPad and three for Mac), a brand new website, two shows a week, Christmas, a whole new pricing structure for membership, plus preparing four tutorials in advance for a couple of weeks away. Something had to give and unfortunately, it was the blog.
However, now that all those things are pretty much completed (some changes to the website plus some new apps to be published), I'm hoping things will get on an even keel again moving into 2012.
I can't promise a blog post a day, but hopefully, much more regular blogging from me.
At least, when I get back from my current holiday. Or perhaps there's a couple of blog posts in me whilst I've got my feet up.
Reader Comments (1)
A Holiday? I don't remember signing that off ;-)
Well deserved Don. Hope you have a nice time and don't come back with to many of those horrid Hawaiian shirts ;-)