MacMania 15 - November 2012

If you're a regular follower of my blog and of ScreenCastsOnline, you'll know I've been really fortunate to travel the world as a presenter on several of the MacMania cruises.
I've been round the Mediterranean, to China, South Korea & Japan, and this year Argentina, Uruguay, the Falkland Islands and Chile.
As well as seeing these glorious places, it's been a blast meeting up with fellow MacManiacs, many of whom have become friends for life, as well as meeting up with fellow presenters such as Leo Laporte and Andy Ihnatko, to name but two.
I have to give a huge shout out to Captain Neil and Teresa of Insight Cruises for extending the invites out to me, I really am delighted and surprised each time to get the call!
Well I'm super excited to announce that the call has gone out again, and I've been invited to present on MacMania 15 in November 2012.
This is another awesome trip, this time heading for a place I've never been to before - Australia!
But it get's better.
As well as being able to visit Australia, the trip also combines visits to New Caledonia and is slap bang in the middle of a Solar Eclipse.
So Sun, Sea, Mac stuff and a Solar Eclipse.
Seriously, the trip of a lifetime!
This one is also special, in that I'm being joined by one of my cohorts from the Mac Roundtable podcast - Allison Sheridan of the Nosillicast Podcast. It's Allison's first time on a MacMania cruise and she is also super excited as you might imagine.
We are both delivering 8 x 90 minute sessions on the cruise, so there's a ton of preparation to do before the cruise, and it's quite a punishing schedule but we've got over a year to prepare (and get in shape!). The sessions are pretty wide ranging and hopefully interesting to most Mac users - newbies or old hands. There's also another six sessions yet to be announced together with an additional presenter (or two or three...).
The pages have just gone live over on the Insight Cruises website so go ahead and checkout the sessions and the itinerary.
I appreciate that the trip is out of reach for a lot of people but it you can stretch to it, it's going to be a fantastic trip (and it is 14 months away!).
If you can make it, I'd love to share the experience with you!

Reader Comments (2)
I am green already, sounds like a brilliant trip but to be there for a total eclipse - wow, I went to Nigeria a few years back to witness one and it was amazing. I would love to do this trip - going to check the piggy bank right now!!
regards, Ken
Sounds like an awesome time. Alas, the round trip ticket to Aus will cost me as much if not more than the cruise itself. Guess I'll have to pass. But, I'm sure you'll take lots of geo tagged pics and upload them to flickr!