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New Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor


Apple have released their new suite of Pro Video editing apps. 

£179.99 for Final Cut Pro X, and £29.99 each for Motion and Compressor.

I was in the middle of some production work when the announcement came, so have had to bide my time.

Finally, I was ready and purchased and installed all three on the MAcBook Air. All downloaded and installed fine.

Heck, it even ran!

Next onto my slightly long in the tooth 2009 Mac Pro (actually, I have two, one main production one and one my wife uses but is really a hot standby). 

Just before installing I received a tweet from John Sammons

@donmcallister careful Don. Open cl required for graphics older Max pro not compatible without new graphics card for final cut pro
21/06/2011 15:26



Surely not?

Another tweet:

@donmcallister Same here. They are not Open CL compliant and the specs for motion/fcp need OpenCL. Just Tried motion 5 on Macpro and no go.
21/06/2011 15:36

Sure enough, tried to install on the Mac Pro but it wouldn't even let me - came up with a warning

Your computer’s video card does not meet the minimum system requirements.


At least the installation routine doesn't allow you to purchase the Apps unless the video card is supported (unless you buy it on another machine where the card is supported - but then it won't allow you to install). 

I currently have a ATI Radeon HD 2600 in each Mac Pro but these do not support Open CL - bummer!

A quick scan of the UK Apple store came up with an upgrade kit:

ATI Radeon HD 5770 Graphics Upgrade Kit for Mac Pro (Mid 2010) - £203 incl VAT each

Bottom line is that you need an OpenCL compliant video card.

This is the cheapest option in the UK Apple store although another tweet indicated that there is a cheaper option in the US store - 

@donmcallister @surfbits This is the card Apple has said that Mac Pro owners need to get.
21/06/2011 15:52

Anyhow, I figured it's cheaper than buying a new Mac Pro (for now) and I've ordered the new graphics cards, one for each Mac Pro.

Will keep you posted.



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    New Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor - My Blog - The Mac Screencast Guy

Reader Comments (4)

Rather ironic, 3 hours earlier you kind of predicted this!

"Why do I feel like buying a new machine just to install Final Cut Pro X on ;-)"

Of course Max Pro in my tweet should have read Mac Pro - stupid Android phone. ;-)


June 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersammoj

Hi Don,

Thanks for this post. When I saw FCP X was out I excitedly purchased it on my MacBook pro (which I happened to be on at the time), and it downloaded just fine; but when I got back to my desk and my Mac Pro, I got the "your graphics card doesn't meet the minimum system requirements" message.

The link that @kylemag posted looks like it will work... we will find out as soon as it arrives at my doorstep, which should be within the next day or 2.

Meanwhile at least I can start playing with FCPX on my MacBook Pro ;-)


PS: So when are we gonna see a SCO episode on FCP X? ;-)

June 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDonald Burr

OK, I can confirm that the NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 card that @kylemag linked to is definitely compatible with Final Cut Pro X. Received the card today and installed it in my Early 2008 Mac Pro, and now am able to run the new Final Cut apps beautifully.

June 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDonald Burr

Great news Donald.

Looks like the NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 is not available via Apple in the UK though - it is available via Amazon.

My ATI Radeon HD 5770 cards arrived from Apple in less than 24 hours - monster of a card but installed and working.

June 23, 2011 | Registered CommenterDon McAllister

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