Following up on the promise...

One of the reasons for changing the show format to one long show and one short show, was to give me some extra time to sort out a few things that sorely needed some TLC.
The main one being the ScreenCastsOnline website and making it easier to use and find content. So the past few days I've been tweaking and changing a few things. You won't see any difference yet, and the differences will be subtle, so don't go expecting too much!
It's going to be an ongoing process, with the main thrust being making the membership experience better, and giving some extra features to members. Although most of the tutorials are delivered via iTunes, I want to make the members website a better resource and give members their own "destination" rather than having to access the main public website. The members website will be a replica of the public website with all the clutter of the trailers and adverts for ScreenCastsOnline removed. The website style will be the same, so more evolutionary rather than revolutionary.
I'm hoping to get the framework for this installed on Friday and may well include a segment on this week's members show.
It's impossible to reformat all the existing 300+ show pages, but as I said, it's an ongoing process, so may take some time to get finished!
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