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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Well I've only gone and done it!

I've been mulling over if I should wait for the iPad 2 to hit these shores two weeks after the US, get one shipped out, or go and get one myself.

Well, I priced up the trip to the US based on the assumption I'd need to fly out on the Wednesday, spend the Thursday mulling about and then start queuing nice and early for the launch on the Friday. Then fly back on the Saturday or Sunday.


That would be a 4 or 5 night stay. Plus, to keep the costs down, I'd need to fly with a stop on the way to New York, as the direct flights were expensive. The thought of flying through Philly again filled me with dread (No offence to the City, but the airport transfer is horrible)

So I'd sort of dismissed the idea.

Next option would be to get one shipped out. I checked out the US Apple website to get pricing on the model I wanted, and discovered that the actual launch isn't until 5pm on Friday afternoon.


So that means I could fly in Thursday night, have a kip, and then into the City first thing on Friday to get my place inline, then fly back out Saturday and home for Sunday afternoon.


A quick check on Expedia followed, and although I couldn't get a direct flight from Manchester, I was able to get a shuttle to Heathrow, and then a direct Virgin flight to New York. Never flown Virgin before! A two night stay in a cheap hotel near the Airport and sorted!

So hopefully, I'll be arriving back in the UK with two iPad 2s on Sunday.

One for me, and one for a lucky ScreenCastsOnline member.

I'll be giving away a 16GB WiFi iPad 2 on the show at the end of April.

So I'd better get working and prepare for next week's extended show as I'll have to have it finished and uploaded before I go on Thursday.

Although it might seem a bit crazy to go all that way, I'll actually use the travel time to do some work, heck I may even record the following weeks show on the iPad 2 on the Sunday in my hotel room!

PS: It looks like there will be a limit of just 2 iPads per customer on the day, so I won't be able to take any requests for additional iPads to bring back with me - Sorry!

Reader Comments (10)

Wow - thats really cool. Good luck!

I have a similar(ish) dilemma - I am going to New York April 1st for 8 days, The price is much lower in the US ($600 for a 32GB versus £510) but can I wait?... arrgghhhh!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNeil Gilroy

You're mental... the new iPad doesn't even look all that great!

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternumpty

Hey Don,

the trip to America alone would be worth it for me! :D

But I envy you! I have been dreaming about the iPhone for years, never had the money, same for the IPad. NOW, I have the money to buy myself an IPad2! My first real iOS device, I cannot wait! Hence the "envy" part. :P

Have a safe trip and enjoy!

Looking forward to some IPad videos when you are over there.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLee Andrew

I wish I had your job :-)

Let us know how to enter the prize drawer....

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersammoj

OK - I do know how to spell DRAW not Drawer - I have no intention of entering your Prize Drawer!!! LOL

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersammoj

Ha! Well done, Don. If you need a drink in New York, I'm buying.

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBob DeGrande

This is fantastic! You're completely bonkers though, Don, I must say! That's real commitment to one's art.

You know, if you find that it's too much of a stretch to get a full show done before Thursday, I don't mind nipping over to the States for you. I'm free this weekend! ;)

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDaley

You're hardcore Don!

I look forward to you bringing back my prize ;-)

March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSwagman

If I could...I'd be there with you.

Have a good trip!


March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Somerville

Great to hear you'll be flying into the States for the launch. I thoroughly enjoyed readying this post as the suspense was building as to whether you would fly over. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.


March 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrdz

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