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What about the Apple TV and 1080p?

So the iPhone 4S is out on Friday and it supports some significant improvements in the camera.

8 Megapixel stills and 1080p HD video, all with improved optics.


I did managed to snag one of the 1,000,000 iPhones pre-ordered on launch day, and it should be arriving on Friday. I was considering the 32GB Black version, but when push came to shove, I opted for the 64GB Black model.

My logic was that despite having iCloud to push all this data in the cloud, the time when I'll be shooting most video is when I'm travelling, and I never have enough spare bandwidth or sometimes any bandwidth whatsoever. So I figured 32GB for my local iTunes library, a couple of GB for my apps and data, and the rest spare capacity for images and video.

The inclusion of the 1080p video is interesting.

How will this work with the Apple TV when the latest version of the Apple TV only supports 720p?

So how do we use AirPlay from the iPhone 4S to the Apple TV?

So is a new Apple TV in the wings, a new Apple TV with a dual core A5 chip ready to play 1080p content?

I think it can go one of two ways:

  • If Apple still haven't got their ducks in a row with the content providers and haven't yet elevated the Apple TV from it's hobby status, we'll probably see a new Apple TV very shortly with the new chip, and the 1080p support, without any fanfare. Just a press release or a stealth release into the Apple online store. Could even happen this Friday.

  • If Apple are close to finalising their next gen Apple TV strategy, and want to make a strong statement about the future direction of the Apple TV, I doubt we'll see a new Apple TV this side of Christmas. Any major changes to the Apple TV and Apple taking it seriously will have to be part of a full media event. And the fact the iPhone 4S won't work with the Apple TV? Apple won't lose any sleep over it, and will upgrade the Apple TV in line with their future strategy, not as a reaction to a short term need.

My gut feeling is we'll see an updated Apple TV pretty soon.

Reader Comments (2)

I hope you are right, but I think we will have to wait a while before we see a 1080p Apple TV. Official specs list AirPlay Mirroring to Apple TV support at 720p and Video mirroring and video out support at up to 1080p with Apple Digital AV Adapter or Apple VGA Adapter.
My guess is that we will see a new one in about February next year, along side and update to iOS5.
Still hoping you are right though :-)

October 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick Robinson

Well, just read the new that "Appleā€™s next-generation Apple TV moves closer to reality, assigned J33 codename" from 9to5Mac, so excited with 1080P playback, think maybe I don't need to do so much converting with iFunia any more, though now with ifunia and handbrake converting, the apple tv works fine as a home media centre for us.

December 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLemon-tree

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