Why Apple isn't announcing the Verizon iPhone

We all know that the iPad 2 launch must be imminent.
Imagine the speculation if they announced an Apple event on January 11th. The blogosphere would meltdown with the heightened anticipation of the iPad 2 launch.
Now, imagine the fallout if all that was announced was an update to an existing product - the iPhone 4 with no new features.
The Beatles fiasco would fade into insignificance compared to the wailing and moaning generated by such a huge letdown.
And that's why Apple isn't announcing the Verizon iPhone, Verizon is!
Reader Comments (4)
You may be right. Alternately, Verizon has never marched to Apple's drumbeat. I suspect they weren't going to this time either. Verizon has what Apple needs right now more so than vice versa. Android is making the iphone an also-ran in the US. Apple needs more distribution to fight off Google.
It all makes sense. At least Apple are learning from the mistakes from the pasts hopefully!
I don't agree Don, I think its simply because this will be a CDMA iPhone 4. If Apple launch the phone it will be a slap in the face to AT&T. It is in Apple's interests to work with as many carriers as possible. This is a carrier responsibility. Nothing to do with iPad 2. Simply Apple letting the carrier launch its own product using their hardware.
If Apple follow past form then it's likely a new iPhone (4S? 5?) could be announced in June/July this year. This makes me think that the release of a Verizon-specific iPhone 4 at this point, would make it a product with a very short lifespan (and thus poor ROI). Surely they would want to roll a Verizon phone into an overall product upgrade, i.e. the new iPhone 4S/5 available on both AT&T and Verizon in the US at the same time?