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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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As I said yesterday...

I'm back at my post after a couple of days downtime over Christmas and New Year.

It's now panic stations!, as I attempt to get ready for the upcoming Macworld and MacMania11 trips at the end of the month.

Testing, testing.....

For reasons that will become apparent, I need to insert an ordered list here:

  • Yes, I'm experimenting with Markdown if you haven't guessed
  • It's one of those things I've been meaning to get my head around for a while
  • But never quite got around to it

I might as well put in a numbered list as well:

  1. It's fairly simple to use
  2. Is extremely portable
  3. And some of my friends swear by it!

It has a neat way of handling links such as inline links, say to ScreenCastsOnline

As well as referenced links, say to TheMacScreenCastGuy

Plus nice and easy headers....

That you can control pretty simply

Ok, OK, enough of the fooling around with Markdown. I'll play with it a bit more and include a Markdown segment in an upcoming show...

probably SCO0284 - This is a code segment by the way

Unless you can bear with me whilst I try a blockquote:

Block quotes are pretty easy to set up allowing you to insert some text and have it indented and set so that it's obviously a separate block of text.

And perhaps a horizontal line

Back to normal, sorry!

I did a longer post yesterday, but unfortunately, the new SquareSpace iPad app decided it didn't like what I had written and sent it off out into the ether.

Will post my thoughts on the Mac App store once it's online, and will try an post a couple of blog posts next week.

Working hard on the next ScreenCastsOnline show, with some New Year resolutions on how I do things with my Mac.

Catch up with you later.

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