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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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The Power of the Blog

Well, would you believe it!

I posted a blog entry a few hours ago berating Apple for it's poor file handling in the iWork for iPad suite. It was one of the primary reasons why I'd never really got to grips with iWork.

Now, just a few short hours later, they've just released iWork v1.2 with support for iDisk and WebDAV file transfers. No Dropbox but hey, at least Pages, Numbers and Keynote are worth investing some time in.

As well as the file transfer improvements, there's also improvements all round along with some interoperability with MS Word documents and Excel spreadsheet. No support for AirPrinting on my iOS 4.2 beta IPad but that's probably a point release once 4.2 is released.

So now to check it out properly.

PS Thanks for listening Apple :-)

Reader Comments (3)


I knew you were powerful in the podcasting sphere, but I had no clue as to your influence on Mr. Jobs!

September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrank Petrie

Now all you need is for Dropbox to support WebDAV access...

Unfortunately it doesn't seem on the cards right now --

September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Upfold

Did you hear about the rooster who thought that the sun got up each morning just to hear him crow? ;-)

September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRon Bailey

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